[0-1] Stephan Rice min.49
Stephen Rice hits a very good right footed shot low through the middle from the right channel (aprox. 20 yards) and scores!! Shamrock now leads 1 – 0
[1-1] Roman Pavlyuchenko min.60
Roman Pavlyuchenko hits a very good header to the upper left corner from the centre penalty area (aprox. 12 yards) and scores!! The game is now tied at 1
[2-1] Jermain Defoe min.62
Jermain Defoe hits a very good header to the lower left corner from the centre penalty area (aprox. 12 yards) and scores!! Tottenham Hotspur now leads 2 – 1
[3-1] Giovani Dos Santos min.65
Giovani Dos Santos hits a very good left footed shot high through the middle from the right penalty area (aprox. 12 yards) and scores!! Tottenham Hotspur now leads 3 – 1