Why videos do not work for me?
If you are trying to watch videos on our site and you can’t see the video it is most likely that you don’t have a Flash installed on your computer or it is outdated.This program is used everywhere online, it is small and will not affect your computer. So in order to watch the videos you need a Flash player. You can download it here
Quality of Video
Some videos are recorded in low quality while some of them are not,and the most often case is that the player is working in Low Quality.Daily Motion,Youtube videos and some other popular video players allow you to choose the quality of the video.Usually option for this is on the right – bottom side od video.However some players doesn’t have this option.
Match Highlights
In our attempts to bring you as soon as the possible it is the latest football highlights, generally match highlights are available as soon as the matches finish.Sometimes they are not in the best quality, but few hours after the matches finish HQ videos will be added.You might notice that some videos are brought down.In that case,be assure everything is ok,they may be available to watch again for a few hours.
Full Match Replays
Full match replays generally are available 1-2 hours after the matches finish. We try to add the most of them, but usually we add only from the top leagues and the top competitions.
– Second half doesn’t open for you?
1. Give 10-20 seconds to script to load completely and then try hitting on 2nd half
2. If the first option doesn’t work, try clearing your cache and reloading the page
3. Still doesn’t work, contact us with much informations as possible
What else i can do?
– Remove Ad blocker
– Try to open it with Chrome and Opera browser
– Clear cache in both if you’re having problems with those
Live football Streams
Our Live football streams section is completely a free one.The best option always would be to go for a flash link videos.Some others requires to install a programs to watch.These programs are below stream links.They are of course free and safe.If download link for these programs is unavailable,use google to search it and download it from the safe and trusted sites.
If you want to use your own Avatar,you can do it on gravatar.com
What I can do to help ?
If you want to request some new features on our site or you wish to report a bug use our contact page or contact us trough our Facebook page here
What else can I do to help ?
Join us on Facebook , Twitter or Stumble Upon.Another option is to subscribe (it´s free) and stay in touch with our latest football videos and news.
Need more help ? Please be free to ask us trough a contact page whenever you like.We are here to help.